
Olive oil, a natural cosmetic


Olive oil, a natural cosmetic

        Thanks to its antioxidant, regenerative and emollient properties that have been known since antiquity,
olive oil (olea europaea) holds a special place among natural cosmetic substances.
Olive oil has been famous for its many healing properties since the time of Hippocrates,
especially in relation to skin diseases. In antiquity, after all, when soap was not used
for personal hygiene, people applied olive oil to their hair and body to clean it,
to make it smell nice and to make it softer. Moreover, they applied it to some of their clothes to grant them
an extra shine.

Active ingredients:
Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin E and polyphenols,
as well as in chlorophyll (especially virgin olive oil). Moreover, it contains other important active ingredients,
such as high levels of vitamin K, but also trace elements such as sodium and potassium, which are beneficial to the skin,
and iron, which is very good for the hair.

The chlorophyll contained in olive oil, due to the increased antioxidants it contains,
has greater resistance and stability to light compared to other types of oils. Therefore, if you
apply olive oil to your skin and hair, they will benefit, they will be protected mainly against dryness
and the texture will be improved. Thanks to the antioxidant activity of polyphenols and vitamin E,
the skin is protected against premature aging, as it "fights" against destructive free radicals.
For olive oil to maintain its nutritional value, which is very important primarily for health reasons
(e.g. it has antioxidant activity in the cells of the body, while the monounsaturated fatty acids it contains in abundance
help reduce "bad" cholesterol and increase "good" cholesterol, thus eliminating the risk
of heart disease etc.), it is best consumed raw in salads and meals.

Recipes with olive oil
Olive oil for hair nourishment: mix 50 ml olive oil and 50 ml laurel oil.
Apply it to your hair before washing (if your roots are too greasy,
apply it to the edges of the hair), wrap it in a warm towel and allow the oil to
act for half an hour. Then, wash your hair normally. You can apply this mask once
a week, during periods when you feel that your hair needs nourishment and stimulation.

Oil for chapped hands or dry skin: this oil can be used
on all parts of the body that experience dryness or cracks. It is best to use it at night,
before you go to sleep. Mix 50 ml of olive oil, 50 ml of calendula oil and add 10 drops of geranium essential oil,
10 drops of lavender essential oil and 10 drops of rosewood essential oil.

For chapped lips: moisturize at night with a small amount of olive oil.
Eyelash strengthening and make-up remover oil: mix equal amounts of almond oil
and olive oil and make an oil mix for perfect cleansing and eyelash nourishing.
You will be impressed when you see how well and gently it cleanses!

For the eye area: when you are not using a cream, you can use a cotton to apply
some olive oil in the area where the crow's feet appears, i.e. the radial
expression wrinkles at the side of the eyes.

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