Puff pastry tartlets with cherry tomatoes, feta cheese and olives

Puff pastry tartlets with cherry tomatoes, feta cheese and olives


1 puff pastry sheet, regular size 
15-20 cherry tomatoes
20 olives of your choice, pitted
1 1/2 teacup feta cheese, in pieces
1 small jar pesto sauce
4 tbsp. "Lof" Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tbsp. oregano
Salt, pepper



Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Wash the cherry tomatoes.
Cut them in half and mix with the olive oil, salt and pepper.
Cut the puff pastry in small rectangular pieces and put them in a large baking tray, lined with greaseproof paper.
Pierce the dough with a fork in multiple spots.
Spread plenty of pesto sauce on the bottom of the puff pastry pieces.
Place the cherry tomatoes on top with their inside looking upwards.
Add the feta cheese and the olives and sprinkle with oregano.
Pour some "Lof" Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Cook the tartlets for approx. 15-20 mins until golden brown.